Opayo Magento 2 Configuration Guide

Configuration Guide

Where is the module located?

You will be able to view the module configuration page on your magento admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.


How should I configure the module?

You can read how configure each part of the module below.

Basic Settings:

Please note that if you are going to use test mode the credentials must be from SagePay Test Environment.

PI Integration

To be able to use PI Integration you must:


    Before you can start integrating with our REST API you need to get your Integration Key and Password. You can do that by following the guide below:

We don't recommend using PI Integration without DropIn enabled.

Form Integration

To be able to use Form integration you must:


    Once you have login on your MySagePay account as the main admin user you will be able to select

    Settings > Admin on the left of the screen.  You will then see your encryption key.

Server Integration:

To be able to use Server integration you must:

Have registered your site ip on MySagePay > Settings > Valid IP's