Opayo Magento 2 Configuration Guide
Configuration Guide
Where is the module located?
You will be able to view the module configuration page on your magento admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
How should I configure the module?
Configure the basic settings
Enable and configure the Integration of your choose.
You can read how configure each part of the module below.
Basic Settings:
Please note that if you are going to use test mode the credentials must be from SagePay Test Environment.
PI Integration
To be able to use PI Integration you must:
Have registered your site ip on MySagePay > Settings > Valid IP's
Fill the fields highlighted on the picture with your API Credentials.
Before you can start integrating with our REST API you need to get your Integration Key and Password. You can do that by following the guide below:
Go to MySagePay in either the TEST or LIVE environment and log in using the Administration log in details that were provided to you during the setup of the account.
Once you are logged in as the Administrator, in the Password details section of the Administrator tab you will see an option to ‘Create API credentials’.
To create your credentials you just have to select the tick-box labelled “I understand that this will create new credentials and may break any existing Sage Pay API implementations.” and click on the 'Create API credentials’ button.
We don't recommend using PI Integration without DropIn enabled.
Form Integration
To be able to use Form integration you must:
Have registered your site ip on MySagePay > Settings > Valid IP's
Fill the field highlighted on the picture with your Encryption key.
Once you have login on your MySagePay account as the main admin user you will be able to select
Settings > Admin on the left of the screen. You will then see your encryption key.
Server Integration:
To be able to use Server integration you must:
Have registered your site ip on MySagePay > Settings > Valid IP's