Changelog Magento 2.4
[10.4.5] - 2024-09-23
- Setting to block orders made with Magento API "Quote Validator"
- Multiple callbacks on Pi cancelling orders
- License activation not required on each patch update
[10.4.4] - 2024-08-28
- Added setting to hold orders if fraud risk high and autoinvoice is enabled when using defer and authenticate
- Added more challenge issuers to the CSP list for 3D Secure challenge.
- Cronjob checks for successful transactions before cancelling Pending Payment orders
[10.4.3] - 2024-06-06
- Special characters to regex validation
- Warning when Pi credentials are invalid
- Opayo Test Domain to CSP whitelist
- PayPal can't checkout Virtual Products with Force XML Basket enabled
- Pi MOTO button and message for 2.4.7
[10.4.2] - 2024-03-26
- Added challenge issuers to the CSP list for 3D Secure challenge.
- License not activating on checkout if default scope was not activated
- Error message not showing on first try using PI
- Payment methods using settings from another scope.
[10.4.1] - 2024-01-24
- Fixed a bug in the phone validation for UK phone numbers
[10.4.0] - 2024-01-19
- URL Update Compatibility: Ready for the new Elavon and Opayo URL changes.
- PI integration, page keeps loading at checkout
[1.4.58] - 2023-10-19
With support for 2.4.4-p6, 2.4.5-p5 and 2.4.6-p3
Option to modify cookies for Firefox users using SERVER.
Warning message to Pi MOTO.
FORM error not displaying on checkout page.
Wiki hyperlink on invalid Opayo API credentials message.
Installation steps on README.
[1.4.57] - 2023-07-24
Option to set score for orders to auto invoice.
Problem with PI MOTO on multi-store Magento.
Security Key updates after creating invoice paypal authenticate.
Detail to 3DSecure fail message.
Send a generic postcode if the field is left empty in PI.
[1.4.56] - 2023-06-12
Compatibility between Opayo Suite and Hyvä checkout for Opayo Suite.
[1.4.55] - 2023-05-31
IPv6 compatibility.
Prevent Personal Data Logging doesn't work in Request.log.
Transaction is voided on first partial refund.
Gift Message not saving when using a MOTO payment method.
Prevent the Submit Order button from firing the event twice with PI MOTO.
Orders not automatically Cancelled when Repeat fails in MOTO.
Passing null value in postcode field.
- Text changes on configuration.
[1.4.54] - 2023-04-25
- Brippo into Opayo Suite integration.
- Magento admin notifications.
- Add cronjob to sync from Opayo API.
- Error when trying to cancel Pi order.
- Special characters issue with apostrophes.
- Fraud grid.
- When cancel transaction using server two quotes are being created.
- Error when phone is selected as optional attribute.
- Match drop in and no drop in labels.
- Transfer SERVER tokens for PI integration.
- Void payment with credit memo when order is created in the same day with PI integration.
- Add extra params to getUrl.
[1.4.53] - 2023-03-15
- Changed Opayo by Elavon on the frontend.
- Opayo Fraud column bug on Sales.
- Improved error message when create order for failed transaction: Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$status.
- Can't create credit note when create invoice after partial release in Opayo dashboard.
[1.4.52] - 2023-02-21
- Unable to capture opayo transaction - due to an issue in the latest curl library (v7.88.0).
[1.4.51] - 2023-02-15
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6 and PHP 8.1.
- Recover cart with coupons.
- Failed payment emails not sending using pi.
- Repeat charge after partial release.
- SERVER deferred with Paypal fails incorrectly after creating an invoice with lack of funds.
- Invoicing a Repeat Order with Defer causes error.
- Remove 3Dv1 Completely.
[1.4.50] - 2023-01-11
- Error when call admin controllers and Magento 2FA is enabled.
[1.4.49] - 2023-01-09
- Icons not showing on Fraud Information in order info.
- PI redirecting to a 404 screen instead of success when using 3D.
- On the callback of Pi 3D secure challenge error is not captured.
- Order not being automatically cancelled when it fails on PI MOTO.
- PI MOTO does not close the form after payment fails.
- Validate characters fields before place the order.
- Improve error message for backend orders.
- Repeat's VPSTxId field isn't cleared after inserting an invalid one.
[1.4.48] - 2022-11-29
- Security issue when redirect to callbacks.
[1.4.47] - 2022-10-24
- Register license button won't work after disabling Magento PayPal module.
- Old config value for Protocol version set on table core_config_data
- Orders pending payment when payment is successful
- Create success message for backend orders
- Added missing translations
[1.4.46] - 2022-09-05
- Add event when recover cart.
- Check if a transaction was successful when cancel an order.
[1.4.45] - 2022-08-17
- Add new logs to log when an order paid with Opayo changes the status.
- Put a warning in configuration page to recommend not to use PI without Drop In.
- Add ebizmarts Payments copy to configuration.
- The Value DeliveryAddress 1 is too long when using an Integration other than PI Integration.
- Exception when cancelling order with SERVER (Magento 2.4.4 and php 8.1).
- PI without DropIn blocks the Place Order button when swapping to a different Payment Method and swapping back to PI.
- Orders doesn't get created but Transactions go through Opayo.
- FORM does not load in some checkouts.
- Update transaction status before cancel order.
[1.4.44] - 2022-07-05
- Log AcsUrl.
- Compatibility with Magento captcha.
- Add the possibility of Removing expired Tokens.
- We need add COFUsage to the payment integrations to allow repeat transactions.
- Server configuration option for payment layout.
- Setting to enable or disable repeat transactions.
- Send request against vps protocol 4.00 instead use protcol 3.00 and remove protocol 3.00 setting.
- Error 'Invalid Length: strongCustomerAuthentication.notificationURL' when using PI MOTO and 3Dv2.
- Error 'Something went wrong: Invalid length: billingAddress.address1' in Checkout when using PI Integration and 3Dv2.
- Missing column sagepaysuite_fraud_check on sales_payment_transaction table.
- Avoid passing null to strpos with Magento 2.4.4 and php 8.1.
- Invalid length: strongCustomerAuthentication.browserLanguage when using Oxford Spelling.
- Prevent Magento 2 Exception error.
- Refused to load the image on admin configuration settings.
[1.4.43] - 2022-05-03
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4 and php 8.1
- Magento SOAP API issue.
- When 3DSecure fails for guests their shipping and billing information is not recovered.
[1.4.42] - 2022-04-06
Implemented Enhancements
- Use declarative schema approach in module's etc/db_schema.xml file.
- Repeat now sends 3Dv2 fields.
- Register licence button doesn't work when changing default country.
- PI Integration without DropIn locks the Continue to Paypal button for Paypal Integration.
- CC Number field has no limit in PI Form.
- Add a character limit in Credit Card Number and Card Verification Number inputs in PI when dropIn disable.
[1.4.41] - 2022-02-16
- License registration setting.
- PI integration multi-shipping checkout compatibility.
- Wrong transaction id when trying to cancel partial invoiced order.
- Recover cart not working when payment fails/cancelled.
- Module not calling checkout_submit_all_after.
- PI Tokens not working with OSC and FireFox.
- PI without DropIn locks the Place Order button
[1.4.40] - 2021-07-07
- Compatibility with FSG.
- Module not recovering cart when PI 3D fails.
- Fraud check failing after Opayo update
- The "ResultInterface" class doesn't exist and the namespace must be specified.
[1.4.39] - 2021-05-25
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.2-p1
- Debug Mode setting
- Prevent customer personal data from logging setting
- Show 3rdMan score and score breakdown on order details
- Ask customers if want to save the credit card when they already have tokens
- 0.01 difference when you try to invoice PI Defer orders
- DropIn form not appearing after deleting all tokens on checkout
- The service interface name "Ebizmarts\SagePaySuite\Model\Token\Get" is invalid.
- Invoice created successfully in Magento when transaction was aborted
- PI Authorize and Capture orders not being invoiced
- Recover cart message appearing in product page after successful order with PI and 3D
[] - 2021-05-13
- PI with 3D redirect to empty cart after checkout.
[1.4.5] - 2021-02-02
- Composer installation problem with the requirement of magento/module-vault
[1.4.4] - 2021-02-01
- Added token with Magento Vault usage on PI with DropIn
- PI Repeat with 3Dv2
- Recover cart when session is lost
- Fraud not being retrieved for non default stores in multi-store setup
- Verification result not showing
- Browser IPv6 error on PI
- BrowserIP and browserColorDepth issue with SCA
[1.4.3] - 2020-11-24
- 3Dv1 not working with Protocol 4.00 for PI
- PI refund problem with Multi-Store sites
- Duplicated Callbacks received for FORM
[1.4.2] - 2020-11-02
- Fix duplicate 3D callback and duplicate response for threeDSubmit
- Typo in RecoverCarts.php
[1.4.1] - 2020-10-06
- Server cancel button now redirects the customer to checkout > shipping methods
- Added new Order Details fields names in block
- CSP Whitelisting file
- Restriction file added
- PayPal response decrypt issue with PHP7.4
- PayPal POST data fix
- Array key exists fix for PHP7.4
- Quote totals los on cancel
[1.4.0] - 2020-07-29
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4
- Sage Pay text and logo changed to Opayo
- Adapt 3Dv2 to latest updates
- Duplicated address problem
- 3D, Address, Postcode and CV2 flags not showing up on the order grid
- Recover Cart problem when multiple items with same configurable parent
- Order cancelled when same increment id on different store views
- Duplicated PI Callbacks received cancel the order
- Add form validation in PI WITHOUT Form