Changelog Magento 2.1
[10.1.4] - 2024-08-28
- Added more challenge issuers to the CSP list for 3D Secure challenge.
[10.1.3] - 2024-06-06
- Opayo Test Domain to CSP whitelist
- PayPal can't checkout Virtual Products with Force XML Basket enabled
[10.1.2] - 2024-05-24
- Added challenge issuers to the CSP list for 3D Secure challenge.
- License not activating on checkout if default scope was not activated
- Error message not showing on first try using Pi
- Payment methods using settings from another scope.
[10.1.1] - 2024-01-24
- Fixed a bug in the phone validation for UK phone numbers
[10.1.0] - 2024-01-19
- URL Update Compatibility: Ready for the new Elavon and Opayo URL changes.
- PI integration, page keeps loading at checkout
[1.1.53] - 2023-05-31
- IPv6 compatibility.
- Prevent Personal Data Logging doesn't work in Request.log.
- Gift Message not saving when using a MOTO payment method.
- Prevent the Submit Order button from firing the event twice with PI MOTO.
- Orders not automatically Cancelled when Repeat fails in MOTO.
- Text changes on configuration.
[1.1.52] - 2023-04-25
- Magento admin notifications.
- Fraud grid.
- Match drop in and no drop in labels.
[1.1.51] - 2023-03-15
- Change Opayo by Elavon on the frontend.
- Can't create credit note when create invoice after partial release in Opayo dashboard.
[1.1.50] - 2023-02-21
- Unable to capture opayo transaction - due to an issue in the latest curl library (v7.88.0).
[1.1.49] - 2023-02-15
- Repeat charge after partial release.
- SERVER deferred with Paypal fails incorrectly after creating an invoice with lack of funds.
- Invoicing a Repeat Order with Defer causes error.
- Remove 3Dv1 Completely.
[1.1.48] - 2023-01-09
- PI redirecting to a 404 screen instead of success when using 3D.
- On the callback of Pi 3D secure challenge error is not captured.
- Order not being automatically cancelled when it fails on PI MOTO.
- PI MOTO does not close the form after payment fails.
- Improve error message for backend orders.
- Repeat's VPSTxId field isn't cleared after inserting an invalid one.
[1.1.47] - 2022-11-29
- Security issue when redirect to callbacks.
[1.1.46] - 2022-10-24
- Register license button won't work after disabling Magento PayPal module.
- Old config value for Protocol version set on table core_config_data
- Create success message for backend orders
- Added missing translations
[1.1.45] - 2022-09-05
- Check if a transaction was successful when cancel an order.
[1.1.44] - 2022-08-17
- Add ebizmarts Payments copy to configuration.
[1.1.43] - 2022-08-05
- We need add COFUsage to the payment integrations to allow repeat transactions.
- Server configuration option for payment layout.
- Setting to enable or disable repeat transactions.
- Error 'Something went wrong: Invalid length: billingAddress.address1' in Checkout when using PI Integration and 3Dv2.
- Invalid length: strongCustomerAuthentication.browserLanguage when using Oxford Spelling.
- Error 'Invalid Length: strongCustomerAuthentication.notificationURL' when using PI MOTO and 3Dv2.
- Prevent Magento 2 Exception error.
- Recover cart not working when payment fails/cancelled.
- Refused to load the image on admin configuration settings.
- Place order button not working for Pi Integration.
- Send request against VPS Protocol 4.00 instead of Protocol 3.00 and remove Protocol 3.00 setting.
[1.1.42] - 2022-04-06
Implemented Enhancements
- Repeat now sends 3Dv2 fields.
- Register licence button doesn't work when changing default country.
- PI Integration without DropIn locks the Continue to Paypal button for Paypal Integration.
- CC Number field has no limit in PI Form.
- Add a character limit in Credit Card Number and Card Verification Number inputs in PI when dropIn disable.
[1.1.41] - 2022-02-16
- License registration setting.
- Wrong transaction id when trying to cancel partial invoiced order.
- Recover cart not working when payment fails/cancelled.
- Module not calling checkout_submit_all_after.
- PI Tokens not working with OSC and FireFox.
- PI without DropIn locks the Place Order button.
[1.1.40] - 2021-07-07
- Compatibility with FSG.
- Module not recovering cart when PI 3D fails.
- Fraud check failing after Opayo update
[1.1.39] - 2021-05-25
- Debug Mode setting
- Prevent customer personal data from logging setting
- Show 3rdMan score and score breakdown on order details
- PI Authorize and Capture orders not being invoiced
- Recover cart message appearing in product page after successful order with PI and 3D
[] - 2021-05-13
- PI with 3D redirect to empty cart after checkout.
[1.1.38] - 2021-02-01
- PI Repeat with 3Dv2
- Recover cart when session is lost
- Fraud not being retrieved for non default stores in multi-store setup
- Verification result not showing
- Browser IPv6 error on PI
- BrowserIP and browserColorDepth issue with SCA
[1.1.37] - 2020-11-24
- 3Dv1 not working with Protocol 4.00 for PI
- PI refund problem with Multi-Store sites
- Duplicated Callbacks received for FORM
[1.1.36] - 2020-10-30
- Server cancel payment redirection to checkout shipping method
- Added new Order Details field names in block
- Fix PI duplicate 3D callback and duplicate response for threeDSubmit
- CSP Whitelisting file
- Restriction file added webRestrictions.xml
[1.1.35] - 2020-07-08
- Sage Pay text and logo changed to Opayo
- Adapt 3Dv2 to latest updates
- Duplicated address problem
- 3D, Address, Postcode and CV2 flags not showing up on the order grid
- Recover Cart problem when multiple items with same configurable parent
- Order cancelled when same increment id on different store views
- Duplicated PI Callbacks received cancel the order
- Server not recovering cart when cancel the transaction
- Add form validation in PI WITHOUT Form
[1.1.34] - 2020-03-23
- Store SecurityKey in Database when SyncFromApi
- Enhance cart recovery to avoid orders cancelling when customer multitab and goes to checkout/cart
- Order not available error with FORM
[1.1.33] - 2020-02-11
- Look transaction by vendorTxCode if not VPSTxId when SyncFromApi
- Problem with basket format when using Sage50
- Error while trying to cancel SERVER Authenticate order
[1.1.32] - 2020-01-02
- Items being canceled when order take more than 15 minutes
- Guest order being created with "Guest" as customer name
[1.1.31] - 2019-11-25
- Show Fraud information on order grid (3D, Post Code, Address, CV2)
- New PI endpoint
- Order failing if using special characters on order id prefix
- Fraud flag showing no flag when 3rd Man and there's no Fraud Rule
- Encrypt PI Callback URL
[1.1.30] - 2019-10-28
Fully compatible with SCA and 3Dv2
- Setting to open 3D verification in new window for PI
- Sanitize Post Code on PI
- Remove spaces from paRes
- Frontend using Default Config values instead of Store values on Frontend
- Multiple 3D responses problem
[1.1.29] - 2019-10-01
- PI support for PSD2 and SCA
- 0.00 cost products breaks PayPal
- Fix Multi Currency Authenticate invoice using Base Currency amount
[1.1.28] - 2019-08-08
- Setting to set max token per customer
- Hide Add New Card when reached max tokens
- Label and Checkbox from first token being shown when press add new card
- Send 000 post code when field is left empty for Ireland or Hong Kong (SERVER and FORM)
- PI always sending 000 post code for Ireland and Hong Kong even if the customer entered a post code
- Module breaks Sales -> Order when the payment additional information is serialized
- Multi Currency refunds using Base Currency amount (FORM, SERVER, PayPal)
[1.1.27] - 2019-06-24
- SERVER and FORM support for PSD2 and SCA
- Module breaks Sales -> Order
- Server defer orders not being cancelled on SagePay
- PI always selected as default payment method on the checkout
[1.1.26] - 2019-05-08
- Explanation message to order view
- Add waiting for score and test fraud flags
- Add CardHolder Name field to PI without DropIn
- Update to use url for composer config.
- PI DropIn MOTO problem with multiple storeviews
- Invoice and Refund problem with multi currency site and base currency
- Class for 2.1 is not compatible with PHP 5.6
- Basket Sage50 doesn't send space character
- PHP restrictions on module for M2.1
- Remove cc images from the Pi form
[1.1.25] - 2019-03-26
- On Hold status stop auto-invoice
- Defer invoice problem with Multi-Store setup
- Repeat problem with Multi-Store setup
- Redirect to empty cart fix
- Remove FORM MOTO
[1.1.24] - 2019-02-11
- Encrypt callback URL
- 3D secure iframe alignment on mobile devices
[1.1.23] - 2019-01-07
- Invoice confirmation email for Authorize and capture
- Show verification results in payment layout at order details
- Server low profile smaller modal window
- Refund problem on multi-currency sites
- PI without DropIn problem when you enter a wrong CVN
- Problem with refunds on multi-sites using two vendors
- Exception thrown when open Fraud report
- Basket XML constraint fix
- Magento's sign appearing when click fraud cell
[1.1.22] - 2018-10-18
- Update translation file strings en_GB.csv
- Enforce fields length according to Sage Pay rules on Pi integration
- Disable Multishipping payment methods because they don't work
- Problems with PayPal basket and special characters
[1.1.21] - 2018-10-03
- Read module version from composer file
- Improve error message when transaction fails (SERVER)
- Repeat deferred invoice error
- Problem when there is no shipping method. Validate quote befor submit.
- Orders made with PI DropIn MOTO add +1 on the VendorTxCode
- Second credit card is not being saved on Server
- This credit card type is not allowed for this payment method on PI no DropIn
- Auto-invoice not working
- Quote not found when STATUS: NOTAUTHED on SERVER
[1.1.20] - 2018-08-22
- Uninstall database mechanism
- Terms & Condition server side validation (only for logged in customers)
- Checkout missing request to payment-information
- Unable to continue checkout if button "Load secure credit card form" button is pressed before editing the billing address
- Unable to find quote
- FORM email confirmation adds &CardHolder next to the shipping phone number
[1.1.19] - 2018-08-06
- Rounding Issue, order amount mismatch by 1p.
- Repeat Defered orders with wrong status.
- Pi Incorrect payment actions.
- Token breaks checkout.
- MOTO Tax issue.
- Sync from API problem with Multi Store setup..
- Undefined property: stdclass::$status.
- Token is saved without asking the customer.
- PayPal sort order not being saved.
- Hong Kong optional zipcode.
- BankAuthCode and TxAuthNo is not saved on the DB.
[1.1.18] - 2018-04-06
- Fraud flags on sales orders grid.
- Unique Constraint Violation cancelling orders.
- Form failure StatusDetail inconsistent causes undefined offset.
- Call to a member function getSagepaysuiteFraudCheck() on boolean.
- Call to a member function getBillingAddress() on null.
- Minify exception via xml causes problem with tinymce.
- Invalid card on Drop-in the load secure from button disappears.
- Human friendly report api error on admin config.
- Invalid parameter type when using SOAP API.
- Japanese currency issue.
- SagePaySuite breaks Swagger when enabled.
- Fix bad column name on sagepaysuite_token table.
[1.1.17] - 2018-01-30
- Fix bad class import on PiRequestManagement.
[1.1.16] - 2018-01-15
- Split database support out of the box.
- Parent page already initialised Direct Drop-in.
- Failed MOTO orders send confirmation email.
- There was an error with Sage Pay transaction : Notice: Undefined variable: result.
- Quote id repeated if order is canceled by customer SERVER.
- Money taken for auto cancelled order.
[1.1.15] - 2017-11-06
- Fix different vendornames per installation.
- Direct MOTO Double confirmation email.
[1.1.14] - 2017-09-27
- Fix FORM transactions not cancelling when in pending_payment state and customer leaves the payment pages.
- Fix error where if a wrong CVC is entered in PI DropIn you cannot retry.
- Fix MOTO pricing problem.
- Fix SERVER integration VendorTxCode null value.
- Fix Transaction not Found error with DropIn.
- Fix multiple requests on MOTO orders when changing shipping method.
- Show correct error in cart instead of Something went wrong: Invalid Sage Pay Response.
- Clear mini-cart after paypal order.
- Fix MOTO customer already exists error but payment is taken anyway.
- Fix paypal callback using wrong total.
- Fix currency:base problem in frontend.
- Fix conflict with credit card form dates when other cc payment methods are enabled on frontend.
[1.1.13] - 2017-07-12
- Partial refunds after partial invoices.
- Email error when placing 2 different orders on PI.
- Can't create 2 credit memos for a transaction using PI.
- Cart still contains items after purchase.
- DroPin config per store view not working in frontend.
- Extensions are not reporting support for all required PHP versions in the composer.json.
- Different billing address button enabled before update the address.
- Verifypeer set to true by default.
[1.1.12] - 2017-05-05
- Fix test.param is not a funcion on PI MOTO transactions.
[1.1.11] - 2017-05-04
- Change wording on configuration settings.
- Order status for Deferred and Authenticate transactions. Now the initial status is Pending Payment, then it moves to Pending and when the invoice is created it moves to processing.
- Fix error when creating an invoice "Notice: Undefined property: \Ebizmarts\SagePaySuite\Model\Payment::$_config"
- Fix for duplicate customer address when checking out as logged in customer.
- Duplicate payment on failed orders, happens rarely but now those payments are voided when the defect occurs.
- Error on backend (MOTO) orders with multiple currencies. MultiStore MOTO Payments.
- Fix postcode error when postcode is not required for the country.
- Fix for "Notice: Object of class Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ObjectManager could not be converted to ..." when Magento is in production mode and using Form.
[1.1.10] - 2017-02-07
- DropIn checkout (SAQ-A) for frontend and backend orders.
- PI requests migrated to WEBAPIs, this fixes issues on frontend orders with custom options.
- A lot of refactoring, removing duplicate code.
- additional_information fraud rules object currupting the row.
- quoteIdMaskFactory is declared too many times fix.
- Undefined property: stdClass::$code fix.
- Division by zero fix on basket.
[1.1.9] - 2016-12-21
- PI void using instructions/void API.
- PI refund using own API.
- Add index on sagepaysuite_token table.
- Validation is failed. PI transactions go through even if Magento JS validation fails.
- Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding if: hasSsCardType
- PI on admin lets you enter cc number with spaces.
- Magento minification minifies PI external files and 404s.
- Fraud on order view Not enough information. Undefined property: stdClass::$fraudscreenrecommendation.
- PI integration customer email not sent.
[1.1.8] - 2016-10-28
- Enable disable form and pi on moto, different config.
- Add CardHolder to FORM requests for ReD validation.
- Add index on sagepaysuite_token table.
- Redirect to Sage Pay on server integration when on mobile.
- Validate moto order when using pi before submitting to sagepay.
- Sage Pay Logo loading via HTTPS everywhere now.
- Sage Pay PI does not show a progress indicator once the place order button is pressed.
- Don't show "My Saved Credit Cards" link on My Account if not enabled.
- BasketXML fixes specially for PayPal.
- Fixed many issues with frontend orders, changed requests to webapis.
- Fix logo disappearing on checkout.
- Fix moto order stuck in pending_payment status.
- Fix cancelled orders in pi frontend when 3D secure is not Authenticated.
- Specific ACL on admin controllers.
- Many performance and standards compliance improvements.
- Remove reference to legacy code Mage::logException.
[1.1.7] - 2016-08-18
- Coding standards for Magento Marketplace.
- Basket display issue, decimal places.
- MOTO customer create account for PI integration fixed.