Installation Guide and Configuration Guide for Magento 2

Installation Guide

Please note that we highly recommend composer installation.

Composer installation:

    1. Look for the latest version required for your Magento instance at Mailchimp for Magento 2 releases and run the command listed in it.

    2. Run from command line: bin/magento setup:upgrade

    3. Run from command line: bin/magento setup:di:compile


About the library installation:

The mailchimp-lib is a required dependency of the Mailchimp module, when you install Mailchimp for the first time via composer, the library is also automatically installed as well, but when you are updating Mailchimp via composer the latest version of the library isn't always downloaded automatically and it can cause issues, it can be updated manually at any moment running the following command:

composer require ebizmarts/mailchimp-lib


You can make sure to you are getting the latest version here:


When installing the Mailchimp extension using the Manual method (in app/code - NOT RECOMMENDED), the library must be installed via composer separately always anyway, if you try to install it manually it will simply not work.

Mailchimp for Magento 2 is available at Ebizmarts' Store, Magento Marketplace and GitHub.

Configuration Guide

1. Enable the module

2. Click the Get API Credential button and place your MailChimp credentials.

3. Copy and paste the API Key into the API Key field.

4. Save the Configuration. If you already had a Mailchimp Store created you can skip steps 5 to 8.

5. On your magento Admin go to Mailchimp > Mailchimp Stores

6. Click on Create New MailChimp Store.

7. Fill all the required fields on General and on Address.

8. Save the Configuration.

9. On your Magento Admin go to Mailchimp > Configuration

10. Select the store created on the drop down list.

11. Enable Ecommerce data in order to send Customers, Orders and Products as well.

12. If you want to send Abandoned Carts as well, make sure to enable it and to have Ecommerce section enabled as well.

13. Save the configuration.

Create a field-mapping/mergefield in the audience


    First you have to create it on Mailchimp and then you will see it on Magento (once you configure an API Key). By clicking in "add" in Magento, then you will see two columns, first one references to Mailchimp and the second one references to Magento, they have to be the same. In the left is the customer info and in the right is the value it will assign it. In this case we will use date of birth 

Other things to consider:

a. Cronjobs: Mailchimp for Magento 2 requires the Magento cron to be set up and running, without this the extension can't work because it relies on this to synchronize data.

See more at:


b. Syncing from Mailchimp to Magento: Even though the main function of the extension is to sync data to Mailchimp, you can also sync subscriber information from Mailchimp to Magento. This on top of requiring a cronjob task to run, it requires a webhook for your configured list so that Mailchimp can communicate with your site when it has updated information for the subscribers. If the webook wasn't automatically created for your Mailchimp list (you can check this on your Mailchimp account, going to your list, then to Settings > Webhooks), you can create it on the Mailchimp extension settings in Magento using the "Create Webhook" button that appears when you enable 2-way sync. You need version 1.0.28 or higher to have this available.


c. Domains and multistore: Have in mind that as of recently, Mailchimp has made some modifications to the API, and now each store you have connected to Mailchimp must have its own domain. Meaning that if you have a multistore Magento where the extension is configured either at the website or storeview level for multiple-stores, each store must have its own domain in one of the following ways, even if the only difference is the language.



Store 1:

Store 2:


Read the following article (Step 6) on how to add a store code: